If you have ever read your life insurance policy, only to have more questions than when you began, you are not alone. What does it all mean? Incontestability clause, exclusions and such, just make a person want to get to the bottom of the question... will the company pay the policy off when I die?
What is a life insurance policy anyway?
A life insurance policy is a legal contract between the person who buys the policy (called the insured) and the company that issued to policy (called the insurer). It will pay cash to a stated beneficiary when the insured dies. When a person first applies for life insurance, they are asked a series of questions to see if they qualify for the type of insurance they are applying for. Afterward, they are given a Conditional Receipt which is a temporary insurance policy while the application is in the underwriting department and waiting for results for any exams that were ordered. This receipt may be used in case of death occurs before the actual policy is delivered, so make sure your agent reviews this with you.
Once the policy is issued and the agent reviews the kind of policy issued and what's included, he or she will explain the terms of the policy. Since a life insurance policy is a legal contract, there are some provisions or terms contained in it that you should know about. Some important ones are:
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