2012-02-12 18:56:40 UTC
So my questions are:
1)Should I contact the LI companies and tell them I had my 2 Cat Scans and let them go through the charts? Will they see the "let's watch it for 2 years" as a horrible thing and make me ineligible and/or rates astronomically high?
2)Should I just not contact the LI companies, do some more followups, and have all my doctors write letters of "great health" in say June (which they both stated without me even asking for a letter)? My LI exam was in late August 2011...I am not sure how long I have to turn in more medical reports and stuff before they tell me to re-take the tests (which I am fine about) I took in August 2011. If they are going to tell me to re-take that bloodwork and stuff again because it's already been 5 months, I might as well just wait 6+ months and get extra healthy and eat extra well so my bloodwork is pristine (they said my bloodwork was fine but I'm sure it could have been better since that week we ate out a lot due to a 5-day power outage).
3)If I apply now/in a few months and the rates are crazy, and then I wait 1-2 years and apply again when everything has passed (and granted my Cat Scans show the blip disappears and life is perfect), will they still judge me from my 2011 experiece? I believe the answer is no because you can hop from company to company (especially if your health improves) to get better rates.
I'm not really sure when to contact the LI companies stating "hey, I got both Cat Scans as requested no please give me a quote." I am quite upset at the bizarre timing of me trying to switch LI policies as well as a specialist order me a Cat Scan for no darn reason (he was trying to get a "baseline" of my breathing since I have asthma and the Cat Scan was the last of numerous tests/scans he ordered". I have been very healthy my entire life, very good cholesterol levels and blood work, never hospitalized, etc. Just horrific timing/irony to switch companies.
I would greatly appreciate your help in advance...ESPECIALLY if you work in the life insurance business. This is NOT Term Life.