OK, first of all Term is NOT the way to go. What you need is a whole life policy. If you go to the funeral home you will end up paying more then you would if you went to a insurance agent. That is where you will get your best price. Do not buy Variable, Modified or Universal Whole Life. You can lose money in these products. Sorry if someone reads this and sells that type of policy. You are not truly serving your customer because the product can lose money, and you know it. You want protection and that is where Whole Life shines.
I am a licensed life agent. You are going to have to have a medical exam. You can own the policy or you can assign owernership to someone else. You can pay for it, or he can pay for it. But you will have to have a medical exam.
You might be looking at $50 a month, maybe more depending on health history and current health.
As to the person who said that the insurance people buy nice cars, etc.... Well let me tell you a secret. Whole Life policies someone gets paid. Some will get a check. Term policies is where the insurance companies make their highest profit margins. The basic stat is 3 out of a 1000 pay. The percentage of whole life that pays 1 out of 1. Which do you think the insurance companies want you to buy. Yes agents would make more on whole life because you are paying more. Yeah that is a fact. But go backt o 3 out of a 1000 versus 1 out of 1. In the end your family gets a lot more money then the commission paid out.
One more fact when you want to consider term versus whole life. Do you know who owns the most whole life insurance in the world? His name is Warren Buffet. On of the wealthiest men alive. He is worth over 55 billion dollars. He will tell you that the foundation of any personal fortune starts first with whole (permenant) life insurance. So get yourself a whole life policy that you can afford.
Check with Medicad first, but sometimes they will allow you to purchase a whole life plan and list the beneficiary as any funeral plan per intent. Doing this shows the state that your purpose is burial and no other intention. But check with them first. Tell them what you want the policy for, they might work with you.