You need Whole of Life Insurance (term assurance is no good to you - you may die outside of the term).
You can get unit-linked or guaranteed WOL policies. Guaranteed policies are usually a bit more expensive, unit-linked policies are NOT savings but the lower premiums depend on the fund performing in line with the original expectations.
It's usually better to write WOL in a trust to make sure that there's no Inheritance Tax payable and to male sure that the proceeds get paid out quickly and avoid your estate and probate.
An Independent Financial Advisor will easily help.
Alternatively, you could look at someone like Sun Life for guaranteed over-50's cover or a funeral plan from someone like Co-Operative funeral directors.
Ignore the comment from src50. WOL is AN answer. Whether it is the most economical depends on how much cover you need etc, which is why I suggested a number of solutions as opposed to dismissing everything bar one.
Thank you Dan B. I was working on the assumption that the so-called insurance brokers posting on this thread knew that funeral plans were also WOL policies.
Car253 - you may be honest, and I hope you're not suggesting that I, or anyone else isn't, but you are wrong in this case. Term assurance is clearly inappropriate for funeral cost planning! What happens if the life assured lives for 31 years? Good luck with justifying your 'honest' advice in court.
Whether it's a unit-linked, guaranteed or funeral plan, WOL is the ONLY solution. No-one knows when they are going to die, so how can you recommend a term?