I lost the camera , and i lost the receipt with it , so the insurance company require to me the catalogue of camera with 2 CD software , then I sent it to them , also I report the police , and I send to them the reference number of police aswell , but insurance company say to me we can not deal with your case until you don't bring back the reciept to us !! but the camera when I insured its present from my partner and she say I bought in london but she's not sure which shop it was ? we went to jessops for getting another receiptt and they say to us your name its not register with us , so my partner with me we live in another city in uk and she been here just for 2 years and only one time she saw london and its hard to remember which shop was bought camera just she to guess may be jessop or other diffrent shop , at the same time she gave to me like present and why insurance company need the receipt? any one can helping me to I get ccompensation of my lost camera ? please .