Whole (cash value) life insurance costs more money, but you can keep it for as long as you need it and are able to keep paying for it, so it will pay whenever you die, even if you live to be 95. Also, if you decide not to keep the insurance, you can get back a small amount of money, but much less than what you paid for the insurance.
Term life insurance costs less, but you only get money if you die during the "term". If you are still alive when the term ends, then you lose all the money (but that's still less than you would have lost with cash value life insurance).
If you are going to buy life insurance because someone told you that you could invest money in life insurance, then don't buy it. The person did not tell you the truth. Life insurance is not an investment.
You should not buy any insurance unless there is some other reason to buy it. If there is no other reason, but you are going to buy it anyway, then buy term, because it's cheaper, so you will waste less money.
If the reason you are going to buy life insurance is that she is going to need money for tuition, living expenses, etc., if you die while she is still a student (but not if you die later, because she'll have her own job by then), then buy term life insurance.
If the reason that you are going to buy it is because you will need insurance to pay for your funeral whenever you die, even if it is not until you are 110 years old, then buy a very, very small amount of whole (cash value) life insurance, with a benefit of no more than $10,000 to $20,000.