First, congratulations.
The answer is yes. You need to do the following:
1) Determine who will take care of your child in the event of your death. If this person is someone you live with (like a husband), determine who should take care of the kid if you both die simultaneously.
2) Figure out if those people will need MONEY to take care of your kid until he is an adult. The answer, most likely, is yes.
3) Figure out how much money.
4) Take out a term life insurance policy for that amount. At your age, the insurance shouldn't be that expensive. I recommend 10-year term in most cases. It's cheaper than longer term, and saves you some cash. The downside is that in 10 years you may not be insurable, and might not be able to get another policy. However, becoming completely uninsurable by age 30 is a very rare event.
The key is to KNOW the amount you want. If you let an agent do the calculations for you, they will try to sell you way too much, or pressure you into a more expensive product.
To quote your insurance, I recommend getting 3 quotes:
1) Your home/auto agent. You might be able to get a discount on your home and auto insurance by buying life with them.
2) An independent insurance agent who can get quotes from several companies.
3) Ameritas Direct, which to my knowledge is the only true no-commission life insurance available. Other "direct" life insurance charge the same price as they would as if they paid a commission. (link below)