I apologize, that I jump in with a loosely related answer, but I am not sure how effective a life insurance can be.
Think about it, if the crisis is going to be as bad as some people say, what guarantees do you have that the actual insurance company you choose is not going under as well?
But I could offer an other type of insurance.
If we analyze the root causes of the crisis, we can see that we now live in a global, interdependent world, where everybody depends on everybody else for survival, let it be individuals or countries.
So the only insurance we can really get is a mutual guarantee from everybody for everybody else's well being.
Which means we have to change our attitude towards each other completely from the selfish egoistic present attitude to a caring, unconditionally giving attitude.
I know that it sound idealistic and it only works if all 7 billion people do it together, or at least a large enough segment to initiate a change on a global level.
But actually we do not have other choices in the positive direction, the other choices lead somewhere else.
Here is a 5 minute movie called "Youmankind" you might find helpful:
All the best.