It's a good idea to have whole life insurance, especially at your age. The premium will be lower overall, because whole life premiums never increase. If it's only you, you don't need much-enough to pay off student loans, car loans, any bills you may have, and enough for burial. If someone is dependent on you, however, you may want more. I have enough to pay for college for my dependent child.
Does your employer offer life insurance? Some employers will give you 1 times your annual salary for free, and you can purchase additional amounts. This is term life, however.
Check with the company that handles your auto insurance, especially if you're using State Farm, Farm Bureau, etc, a company that offers insurance for a broad range of items. Also, check Aflac. You can purchase your own insurance for life, missed work, cancer, etc. But be sure to get a whole life policy--who knows, eventually, you may be able to stop paying premiums, and just live off the dividends (look for a company that offers that option, and make sure you get something in writing showing when you'll be able to stop--mine will reach that point in 20 years).